Discussion Questions about Feminism

Feminism is defined as a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.

Feminism can be seen as both an individual commitment to treating people as equals and a political movement towards restructuring society in fair ways. In order to achieve this, feminist activists have directly challenged oppressive social practices, institutions and

These are some common questions to discuss what feminism is and understand it better

Recommendations When Discussing Feminism

Discussing feminism in the classroom can be a sensitive and important topic. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

  • Create a Safe Environment:Foster an inclusive and safe space where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions.
  • Define Key Terms: Provide clear definitions of key feminist terms to ensure that everyone understands the terminology being used. This can help prevent misunderstandings.
  • Include Diverse Perspectives: Incorporate diverse voices and perspectives within the feminist movement. Acknowledge that there are various schools of thought within feminism, and it’s not a monolithic ideology.
  • Encourage Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze and question information critically.
  • Respectful Language: Emphasize the use of respectful and inclusive language. Remind students to be mindful of the potential impact of their words on others.
  • Address Stereotypes: Challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about feminism. Discuss common stereotypes and provide evidence to debunk them.
  • Engage with Current Events: Relate discussions to current events, allowing students to see the relevance of feminist issues in the world today.
  • Encourage Student Input: Invite students to share their experiences and perspectives. This can enhance the richness of the discussion and make it more relatable.
  • Provide Resources: Offer additional resources such as articles, books, and documentaries that provide a broader understanding of feminism. This allows students to explore the topic more deeply outside the classroom.

Remember that the goal is to facilitate a respectful and inclusive conversation that promotes learning and understanding. Adjust your approach based on the dynamics of your specific classroom and the needs of your students.

Questions about Feminism

These are some questions about feminism

  1. How do you define feminism?
  2. What do you know about the history of feminism?
  3. Who should be credited with starting the feminist movement?
  4. What are some types of feminism?
  5. Has Feminism changed over time?
  6. How has gender affected your life?
  7. Do you consider yourself to be a feminist?
  8. Do you agree men and women should be equal? What steps can we take to achieve equality?
  9. What do feminists generally agree on?
  10. What do feminists disagree about?
  11. Can you name some feminist figures?
  12. What questions would you like to ask a feminist?
  13. What questions do people ask most about feminism?
  14. Why don’t we hear more men speaking out about women’s rights?
  15. How can we encourage more men to stand up for women’s rights?
  16. Do feminists hate men?
  17. Wasn’t Margaret Thatcher a feminist?
  18. What do you think about the gender pay gap?
  19. Why are some people against feminism?
  20. Can men be feminists?
  21. Is your country totally fair and equal to women and men?
  22. Who are the most vocal people in favor of feminism?
  23. Who are the most vocal people against feminism?
  24. What is your opinion of sexual objectification?
  25. How is feminism viewed in your country?
  26. What do you think about female genital mutilation?
  27. Is it really better to be a woman today than 50 years ago?
  28. Do feminists have a hard time dating men?
  29. What’s a feminist boyfriend?
  30. What’s feminist underwear?

Interesting Articles about Feminists

These are some of the articles I read to understand some of the questions about feminism found in this blog post

  1. Margaret Thatcher was no feminist
  2. Young Women Say No to Thongs

More ESL Conversation Questions

If you are looking for more resources to practice your English skills or have meaningful conversations with your students, I’ve compiled a list of some posts with conversation questions.

Check them out before your leave

  1. Discussion Questions about Wars
  2. Discussion Questions about Fashion and Clothing
  3. Discussion Questions about Goals
  4. 70 Good Conversation Questions about Traveling
  5. Discussion Questions about Poverty
  6. 50 Discussion Questions about Celebrities
  7. Discussion Questions about Transportation
Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English